Tastry tropical rum-flavourded desert

10:21 AM

I've been unable to get this recipe off my head since i saw it on food channel few wks ago. Partly because the nutritionist said it was a healthy desert but also because the ingredients are so interesting. I don't remember the show, the chefs name or the correct name for the desert so i cant reference the recipe from the food channel website. The chef grilled pineapples, i put them in a skillet and heated both sides for around five minutes then let the pineapples cool in the fridge. The chef mixed non-salted butter, brown sugar and rum in that order in a skillet and cooked till all the alcohol had evaporated, then let it cool. I substituted honey for the brown sugar because in my mind it sounded healthier. Then place the pineapple on a plate, layer a scoop of vanilla ice cream then pour the syrup over it to complete the look. The taste is absolutely divine.

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