Sweet and Sour Chicken Salad

1:03 AM

This is one of those recipes where I threw in whatever was in the fridge and accidentally end up with something genius. The secret ingredient in this recipe is pickled cucumbers, red and yellow peppers. I pickled the vegetables to preserve them and make them last a lot longer. Boil 1 cup white wine vinegar and two cups white sugar until all the sugar dissolves, add the vegetables, let them cool, place in a container and refrigerate. I made one jar with just cucumbers and another jar with yellow and red peppers. For the chicken, i browned it on a pan with olive oil then put the pan in the oven with onions, garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper for flavor; i let this cook, while covered for about an hour, but any chicken will do. For the salad i added to the chopped chicken, lettuce, pickled cucumber, pickled red and yellow pepper and onions. I did try it again without the onions and it tasted much better, my advice only use the onions if they are pickled coz otherwise it doesn't fully flow with the taste. The result is a salad that's pleasing to the eye and does great things to your taste buds and you don't even need any dressing for it.

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