Brown Ugali

5:19 AM

I struggled with blogging about this because cooking brown ugali is a hard skill to teach, especially using the English language. When my mom taught it to me she would use words that i do not have a direct translation but makes sense in vernacular language so allow me to use both. Ugali requires a very visual and instinctual recipe, so here is my attempt at a lesson.  Bring water to a boil and add your millet (I accompany my mom to have the millet ground at a posho mill, I don't know why we do not just buy it from the supermarket, in my language we call the flour bel) . Point to note, the heat should be on high, I add enough flour to make it form a soft paste (med mogo nyaka obet modhiek).

Fold the soft mixture on high heat until it hardens (dwal kuon nyaka o chiek), this will take a while, keep folding and covering the pan with a lid for about 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the ugali.  Serve with vegetables of your choice. Variations of this are made by adding ground sorghum flour and maize flour to the millet flour.

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