
11:15 AM

Matoke (Green Bananas) is a staple food in Uganda and Rwanda. For my west African friends, it is a lot like plantain. I've seen it cooked in many ways, the bananas can be steamed whole, or mushed. Some Matoke recipe's call for cassava and Irish potatoes. This recipe contains green bananas and Irish potatoes. I use a 1:1 mixture because i love potatoes. The potatoes are first boiled for about 8 minutes, then the green banana's are added and the mixture boiled until soft, the water is then drained. I like to add coconut milk to the mixture then mush it. For this particular recipe i was out of coconut milk, so i boiled a mixture of coconut shavings and whole milk then added that to my Matoke and mushed it. You could sieve the coconut shavings off before adding milk, but adding the shavings gives it a different texture.

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