Mango-Curry Beef Salad and Mango Madness non-dairy smoothie

7:53 AM

Given that it's a new year and I have to keep with the eating healthy resolution for a while, today i decided to try out what i call the Mango-Curry Beef Salad and Mango Madness non-dairy smoothie to go with it. I'm a recent salad convert, i never thought you can have a salad and call it a meal until i went on a no-carb diet few weeks ago, and now I'm a salad junkie! The Mango-Curry beef salad is an adaptation from the Mango-Curry Chicken salad recipe i saw on
This is by far the most delicious salad i have ever tasted but then again i haven't tasted that many. I substituted the chicken for beef and the cranberries and walnuts for raisins. To prepare the fillet(beef) i tenderized meat, then add water, cumin, salt and cayenne pepper and boiled until all the water evaporated then added a little oil and let it cook slowly.
I recently acquired a new blender so i've been going a bit crazy with the smoothies. I call this one Mango madness because the mango taste is very heavy, the smoothie also contains oranges which gives it a citrous taste, other fruits included in the smoothie are banana and pawpaw.
The resulting smoothie is high in fiber which is good for those trying to clean out their system and low in calories since no sugar is added.
This is one recipe i highly recommend, it is tastes amazing and is healthy and is very filling as well.

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