Fondue Party

1:42 AM

Happy New Year!

Fondue parties are a fun way and easy to entertain. To make the chocolate for the chocolate fondue heat 1/2 a cup of heavy cream and bring to a boil, remove from heat and add vanilla and 100 grams of chocolate and whisk till all the chocolate melts( add more cream if the mixture is too hard. I made one batch with white chocolate and the other with dark chocolate. You can add some brandy to make it a grown up fondue but i kept it simple this time.
Accompaniments can be whatever you wish it to be. Fruits I used were strawberries, grapes, and apples. I soaked the apples in ice water that had one lemon squeezed in to prevent it from oxidizing and turning brown. I also served sponge cake, mash mellows, banana chips, biscotti , pretzel, wafers and crackers. 

I have to say that of all the accompaniments I served, I had no fruits left over, next time will probably go big with the fruits and dial back on the junk food.  

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