Vegetable Spring Rolls

10:25 PM

I love veggie spring rolls, even though I generally keep away from fried foods, this is one of those exceptions. I buy the pastry/wrapper from the supermarket because it saves time, I usually leave it in the freezer until I'm ready and it is usually enough for multiple uses. For the veggies, I say eye ball it, depending on how many spring rolls you want to make.

Boil noodles as per package instructions. In a separate pan, fry onions, green peppers, shredded cabbage and carrots, chopped french beans and bean sprouts (add as many veggies as your heart desires) in vegetable oil. Keep cooking until veggies are ready (usually until all the liquid has evaporated). Add soy sauce and stir, then add the drained noodles and mix it into the vegetables. The mixture should be dry so as not to make the pastries soggy.

Make a paste with flour and water, place about one big table spoon of veggies into the pastry and seal with paste. Fry in very hot oil ( give the oil time to get hot or you will have soggy spring rolls).

I love  the sweet and sour sauce with my rolls. To make it, place 3/4 cups of sugar, 1/3 cups vinegar, 2/3 cup water, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1 tbs ketchup and 2 tbs cornstarch in a medium saucepan, and bring to a boil. Stir continuously until the mixture has thickened.

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