Strawberry Cheesecake

1:50 AM

Cheesecake is one of those desserts where most people either really love or hate it. It is also very visually pleasing when dressed right therefore making it a good choice when looking for something to impress. The key to the perfect cheesecake is a springform pan, you need one of this, i would not even attempt this without one, not that it cannot be done, but i would not know where you would begin without one. Secondly, slow and steady is the way, it is not a last minute let me whip something quick and fancy type of desert, you need to give yourself at least two days to do this. 

I always try to avoid the recipes that call for a water bath, but i have learned that as long as you add a little flour and keep the heat low enough then it will be fine. The principal behind baking a cheesecake is allowing for it to cook and expand slowly, then once ready, then allowing it to cool really slowly as well. Cooking or cooling too fast results in your cake cracking. Patience is the key with this dessert, the tortoise definitely wins this race. Do not be stressed however if you get a few cracks in your cake even after being as patient as possible, it happens even to the professionals.

14 Digestive biscuits
  • tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 4 cups full-fat cream cheese
  • cup  sugar
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 
  • teaspoon vanilla extract
  • large eggs
  • large egg yolk

   To make your crust, crush your biscuits, i usually use a pestle and mortar to do this, but i guess the food processor would be a faster option. Melt your butter and add to the biscuits and mix.  Grease the pan then flatten the biscuit mixture around your springform pan and cool in the refrigerator for about an hour or until cool to the touch. Some recipes ask you to bake it first, but i don't see the need because the cookies are already ready to eat so i skip this step.You can wrap your pan up with foil if you want to, I recommend wrapping the bottom of the springform with foil before you add your crust to avoid the your pan getting scratches as people cut into the cake. At some point you will want to begin to preheat  your oven to about 175 C or 350 F. Most recipes say you do this at the beginning of your baking but i say you know your oven best, as well as how long it takes you to mix in your ingredients. Usually i begin preheating my oven half way through my baking because i am trying to conserve electricity. I usually do not have all my ingredients out and ready to go when i begin, i search as i go, so it takes me a while. 
   Mix the rest of your ingredients using a mixer. Generally while baking, the rule is mix your dry ingredients in one bowl, your wet in another then add the dry ingredients into the wet. I hate using lots of bowls so i first mix my wet ingredients then add in the dry ones one by one. In this case that would be eggs, sour cream, lemon juice and vanilla.  It is recommended that you beat the eggs one at a time, i am not quite sure what the science behind that is but if it makes it better then why not. Then add in the sugar, cream cheese, flour and salt mixing after each ingredient. Pour the mixture onto the cooled crust and bake for one hour. You want to start monitoring in the last ten or so minutes. The cake looks done when the outer parts have risen and set. It is also okay of the outer part begins to turn golden or brownish, but as soon as you see cracks begin to form turn the heat off. Prop the oven door open a little and let it cool down completely in the oven for about an hour. Once the oven temperature reaches room temperature you can take the cake out and run a knife around the edges of the cake so that the cake is not stuck to the sides of the pan as this will cause it to form cracks as it cools further. Refrigerate the cake overnight.

  For the toppings, decorate the refrigerated cake by pouring strawberry jam on the cake and decorate with halved strawberries in desired patterns. I used to make the jam from scratch by bringing strawberries, water and sugar to a boil then letting it simmer for a while and cool completely but then i got lazy and now just get the jam in a can.



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