Cashew Rice and Chicken Stir-Fry

1:19 AM

In a pan, roast cashew nuts and set aside. Place oil and onions to the pan and fry, add Chinese cabbage and fry till the cabbage begins to soften; remove and set aside. Add a little oil to the pan and after the oil heats up add rice (steamed) and fry till all the oil is well distributed. Add the cabbage and cashews and to the rice and stir. Add soy sauce and serve.

For the stir-fry chicken, cut chicken breast into strips, place in a pan, let it cook in medium heat until all the water evaporates. Add oil and fry till the chicken browns. Add onions and different colored peppers and a mixture of water, ginger, tomato paste, salt and pepper and cook for about 5 minutes.

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