Stuffed Peppers

2:20 AM

This healthy recipe is easy to cook and very filling. The first step is to prepare the stuffing. I opted for ground chicken which I prepared by placing crushed garlic cloves and diced onions in a hot pan with olive oil. After the onions soften, add tomatoes and stir then add salt and pepper and an assortment of spices. I opted for onion powder, paprika and cayenne pepper . You want to spice this up generously because the pepper is pretty tasteless. Add the ground chicken (or whatever meat you choose) and cook in medium to high heat until dry. Even though i prefer my vegetables slightly cooked when it comes to ground meat, I find it easier to fry my vegetables before I add the meat, its a lot easier to work with that way.

Bring water to a boil, cut the pepper, remove the core then place into the boiling water and continue to boil for five minutes. Dry the pepper with a paper towel and stuff with the meat and top with mozzarella cheese. place in an oven at 200 Degrees for 15 minutes and serve. 

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