Creamy Spinach and Avocado Burger

11:56 PM

This is a big meal burger even without the buns because it is very filling. This seemed like it would go well together because you cannot wrong with avocado and tomato combination and l love creamy spinach with my beef. I was right, it is a clean meal (not sure about the cream being part of a clean diet) and very feeling meal.

The beef patty is very simple and quick to make, place ground beef in a bowl and spice it like you like it. On this day I used mixed herbs (the dried version that comes fully mixed), garlic powder, chili powder, onion powder, salt and pepper (generally i use whatever is in my pantry at the time). Roll about a handful of the mixture into a beef patty shape, you want to make the patty as flat as possible to make it cook faster. In a hot oiled non-stick or grill pan under high heat, place the patty and cook till well done or medium rare depending on how you like it.

To make the creamed spinach, place onions in a hot pan under high heat and add the spinach. Stir regularly, after the spinach heats up season it then add cream. The ratio of cream to spinach depends on how you like it, the creamier you like it the more cream you add. Start with about one tablespoon, eyeball and increase the cream as you please.

Finally, arrange your burger, patty, spinach, avocado and tomato. Salt the avocado and tomato as desired.

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