Chicken Curry & Naan

9:21 AM

The chicken curry recipe followed was from allrecipe. Given that it was the first time I was making the dish I used the recipe almost as is. I didn't use the bay leaf because I couldn't find any but I'm assuming it would have blended really well with the lemon. The most surprising thing about this recipe for me was the mixture of spices that I never would have thought to put together. On the one hand you have the cinnamon and sugar which is a recipe for something sweet, then you have your lemon and yogurt. The combination is however genius especially when paired with the naan.
The naan recipe of course is Aarti Party's from Food Networks recipe which i choose solely because she is Indian, I mean  who better to learn from than a native. I simplified the recipe a little, I omitted the fennel seeds and kalonj(nigella seeds) (which according to wiki is the same thing) because of access, but I'm informed that the spice is huge with the Ethiopian and Somali community and is commonly crushed into an oil where two drops can cure the flue overnight (I am yet to prove that theory). You could try a shop that carries Ethiopian or Somali spices for a more authentic feel. I prepared my dough in the morning and made the bread after work, gave it the whole day to rise. Once the dough is risen, the next step is a lot like preparing chapati, simpler actually.

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