Beef Wellington

11:35 PM

This recipe takes about 5 hrs to prepare. We first start by rubbing tenderloin steak with Olive Oil, salt and pepper, the steak should be tied to keep it circular. Heat a skillet and add Olive Oil and brown the steak. Add white wine, onions, garlic and thyme and place the steak in the oven and bake for an hr. Remove and let cool in the refrigerator for at least 30 min. To make a gravy, strain the vegetables from the steak stew after taking it out of the oven. Add a mixture of corn starch and water to the stew and heat till the gravy thickens.

Dice mushrooms, thyme, scallions and garlic into small pieces; possible place the mixture into a food processor to ensure that its finely chopped. In a skillet heat olive oil and add the mushroom mixture. Cook for about 10 minutes and until all the moisture is gone, the mixture reduces to less than half after the moisture from the mushrooms evaporates.

To make the pastry place one cup of flour and half a cup of butter in a bowl, add a pinch of salt. Mix with your finger tips and add 8 tablespoons of cold water and mix. Refrigerate for 30 minutes then roll out into a circle.

Take the steak and cut the string out, rub mustard on it followed by the mushroom mixture and wrap with bacon and place back in refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Wrap the steak with the pastry and use a brush to coat with egg wash, this gives it a gold color. Bake at 200°C for an hr.

Serve, the steak will be medium rare.

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